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There is predictability to whether or not people are going to be difficult to work with during the hCG protocol. The most telling information is their denial of emotional eating and their emotional reaction to when food is limited, even without hunger.

These patients complain immediately (even before starting) of their disappointment in the protocol restrictions. Like how punished they are because they can’t put cream in their coffee. How bored they are with the food, within days of starting. They’re miffed by the fact they can’t have cheese, or add oil to their cooking. Usually these patients feel it is their right to eat, and their right to lose fat. These patients are so entitled they are ignorant to their own addiction.

These patients are the most difficult to assist. Why? Because they want you to take on the burden of their issues. They want you to give them a pill so they never have to admit faults.
They complain they are feeling deprived, but admit they aren’t hungry. They obsess over the scale, are disappointed in the fat losses (no matter how miraculous), and believe there is someone else to blame. They admit they continually break the protocol with licks and tastes of foods that aren’t on the protocol, but deny they cheat at all. They ignore the science of leptin, but are astonished by their lack of fat loss eating less than 600 calories (after you include their cheats). These patients think the protocol is flawed and their body is flawed, but not their entitled view of gluttony as virtuous.
These patients don’t want any responsibility and think because they invested money in your program, they are entitled to you as their savior.  And if you don’t meet their unattainable expectations, you are at fault. They believe a pound of fat loss a day is guaranteed because they were told by some shmucky Internet person (selling an amino product with appetite suppressants) that, “By using our liquid drops, the hCG protocol (even though there is no hCG in their product) would allow your body to release one pound of fat a day!”
Despite the fact that you explained thoroughly not to expect that type of loss unless they have a metabolism they requires over 4000 calories a day. Despite the explanation of gains with minor cheats. Despite the warning that the hCG protocol is a hormonal therapy and that there is no guarantee they will adherence to the process, they demand a  100% return policy, even when they ignore every warning, and break all boundaries of the protocol.  
Even though they paid for real expertise, they go to the Internet for “credible” guidance, and continue to argue that you don’t know how the protocol works.  “I saw on YouTube this woman who said you could eat macadamia nuts to lose weight when you stall. I saw another video where they said not to load in the beginning. I called another clinic that said you can eat 1000 calories and the protocol would still work. I’m not hungry but I want an appetite suppressant. Can you prescribe those fat burning injections? I swear you told me fat loss was guaranteed. ” What a nightmare!
Some people refuse to read anything. You’ve spent three hours preparing them, given them Dr. Simeons’ Pounds & Inches,  a workbook, blogs, videos, Weight-Loss Apocalypse,  and everything possible so they have the tools to understand the process from every angle. But yet, they only want you to be there so they have someone to blame when they f*ck up. As if there was something you did that made them cheat!   They schedule appointments just to complain about the protocol, and they hate you because you’re the one who is punishing them.  And they want you to spend another three hours to verbally explain (again) how the entire protocol works.
They grumble about the cost of your program when Internet sales of hCG costs far less. REALLY? There is no value to our expertise and we should work as slaves to your emotional illness?  Should we take on this type of abuse, because you are entitled to ignorance? HELL NO.
I have very little tolerance for this type of bullsh*t. Ask anyone who comes to our clinic and has immediately been shut down and refused a prescription as soon as the complaining begins and entitlement surfaces.  If you are not willing to take personal responsibility for your problems, you are not welcome into our practice. Why? Because there is no one but yourself capable of changing your flawed view of yourself. I refuse to work with an abuser no matter how much money they offer. There is no value in accepting that type of abuse.
If this patient sounds like you, you are in denial. DENIAL. Do the medical community a favor and order your hCG on the Internet.  The people who give FREE help on-line will love to work with you!
Good luck with that and don’t call back. : )


  1. I have experienced the same kind of person and it is extremely frustrating. Thanks for writing this. I am not a professional,just a lay person who tries to explain how I did it.

  2. Good for you, Robin!! Cudos!!

  3. Robin, you shouldn't hold back so much. Tell us how you really feel. LOL. OK, just kidding. Great post! Sometimes the truth hurts, but the truth can be the beginning of healing if we let it. Thanks :-)

  4. Angie stole my line! "Don't hold back, Robin! Tell us how you REALLY feel!"


    I totally agree with this post. I have friends/relatives/acquaintances that want to "tweak" whatever plan (this or others) and whine/complain/kvetch when it doesn't work. Kudos to you for taking a stand and NOT letting these people come to your clinic and waste your time. Yes, they need help; however, they obviously need to get to the place where they ACCEPT in their own minds that they need help and actually WANT help.


  5. I wish I new about you before I bought my drops online 45 days ago ( purely ignorance), just found you this week :). I hope what I have been using is the right stuff (, I have lost 28 lbs. I have learned so much from you. I have tried to tell other about your hypothesis and I see a lackadaisical response to your brilliant research...oh well their loss!

  6. Loving your blog and book
    great work !!

  7. Is it ok to use your book as a guidance for my 13 year old daughter? She is 200 pounds and at risk if diabetes n already got high blood pressure...I have done 4 rounds of the hcg protocol succesfully n have changed what we consume at home but no luck for her...she is lk i was an emotional eater...she is super concious of her weight n feels embarrased, shes desperate and i feel the same :(...

    1. Have her read Reviving Ophelia as well. It's so important she not judge her value by society's idealistic view of beauty.

    2. I have lost over 100lbs using the hcg protocol. My son (8) was very overweight and even his doctor told me "I knew the answer" when I asked about using it for him. I have lived my life being chubby, then heavier and heavier. All I can think is that if my mom knew how to help me lose the weight back then, I would have hoped she would have done it!
      Good luck!!

  8. Thanks Robin ;) I agree, will ck online n order it as well!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Robin, I'm confused by this sentence (from "Nightmare" blog):

    "They ignore the science of leptin, but are astonished by their lack of fat loss eating less than 600 calories (after you include their cheats). These patients think the protocol is flawed and their body is flawed, but not their entitled view of gluttony as virtuous."

    Why did you use the 600 number?

    Could you explain a little further what that means?


    P.S. I ordered your book through Amazon for my Kindle. I am fan for sure.

    1. Hi Charles, I could see why that would be confusing. I was referencing a calorie intake as if you added cheat foods to the 500 kcal an assumed 100 kcal cheat. My point being, without hCG, 600 kcals wouldn't cause weight gain. This example would be another valid differentiation that could be examined in clinical observation. This would be a comparison of a group of people injecting 125 iu's of hCG and following Dr. Simeons protocol with hunger vs a group people also injecting 125 iu's and eating off of the protocol, without hunger, to a similar caloric value...and observing the difference. Does this makes sense?

  11. AMEN! Just came across your blog tonight and have been reading several of the articles here. Love it!

    Anyway, people who know me saw first hand how well the hcg diet works (I lost over 100 lbs), my husband has lost over 80. I am so tired of hearing all of the things you have mentionedt!! I would gladly help anyone - but COME ON - you see with your own two eyes how it works - can't you just eat what's on the protocol for 21 days? Geez, it's the EASIEST diet that gives you IMMEDIATE results and it's not quick enough, easy enough, etc. You have to wonder if they hear themselves talk!

  12. Anonymous with the (8) year old son, thanks for the advise ;)

  13. HCG drops and hcg diet burn fat from your body and turn in to slim and healthy. HCG drops works very fast and effective manner and you can find hcg drops reviews on our site.

  14. I am just getting ready to start this weekend. I am going through a clinic near me and excited, though a bit nervous. I keep thinking ... what is a couple months of eating what I am told to eat? I have eaten all my life just what I want to eat. I am looking forward to this new start and changing the way I eat and deal with food. Thanks for your blog and videos ... which I just started reading yesterday.

  15. I was once asked by someone that if they took the shots but didn't do the food part of the protocol, would it still work. This was after I sent pounds and inches to them in email. I flat out told them they are better off fat then to screw their hormones up that way, and if they don't want to put in the work, then go somewhere else for advice. I wasn't wasting my time if they wouldn't use theirs at all to study up. Freaking people.

    1. You know, before I read Simeons' Pounds & Inches, I wondered the same thing. I was already fairly well-practiced at eating to hunger, and I wondered whether the hCG would help me lose if I continued eating to hunger while taking it. I had no understanding of the process. I was seeing the hCG as just another diet pill, as it were.

      However, before I plunged into the protocol, I read Pounds & Inches. I spent weeks studying the manuscript, both in print, and as an audiobook. I did as much research as was possible, and ultimately I decided that I could try it for six weeks. Even if it was to prove that it didn't work, or that it wouldn't work for me. I would have my answer. However, in order for that answer to be accurate, I had to follow the rules. No cheating at all. The only way I could really test the process was by following it faithfully. So, that's what I did. I figured that six weeks was a short time to invest in either proving or disproving the effectiveness of the method.

      Five rounds later, I have gone from obese to healthy weight, lost five dress sizes, dozens of pounds, and am able to eat freely and not gain, as long as I eat to hunger (as I was doing before I started the protocol).

      If the hCG protocol hadn't worked for me, I wouldn't have blamed the method. I know personally many people who have succeeded on it. Had it "failed," I would have ascribed it to my body's ability to respond to this or that, some hormonal incompatibility, or something like that. But, in order to be able to say that, I had to give the process a fair try, by following it without making my own rules.

  16. Great detailed information, I ll be visiting you more frequently, here is very interesting information.
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