She wants to know how to accept your body, when other's are going to judge you because of it. This is directly tied to Maslow's Third Hierarchy of Needs, to want to feel worthy of love and inclusion to survive with our tribe. We aren't wired to seek survival alone. When you hold yourself to high standards, to feel worthy of inclusion and love... you are the judge, and you are the one who believes you are worthy of judgment. The goal is to believe you are worthy of love and belonging even if others don't agree. It is your job to validate your life, NOT THEIR'S.
RECORDED AUGUST 2017 #thinsupremacy #weightlossapocalypse #bodyimage #survivalmode #ed #eatingdisorder #rehab #recovery #fear #maslowsthirdhierarchyofneed #belonging #anorexia #ana #bed #surrender #selfacceptance
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