As she's no longer using diets to enable emotional eating, she's having to find a new way to cope with stress. She's showing signs of seeking to secure her 2nd hierarchy of need (environmental safety and control) as she's trying to find a new way to cope with insecurity with her 3rd hierarchy of need (inclusion, lovablility, and feeling safe in a community).
For people who are no longer using food to distract and protect from feelings of insecurity, they commonly transfer their solution to another coping mechanism. Unfortunately, this doesn't resolve the underlying insecurity. This client is noticing she's starting to want to shop, control her stuff at home, and wanting to "clean up" and control her living space.
RECORDED NOVEMBER 2017 #thinsupremacy #weightlossapocalypse #bingeeatingdisorder #bed #bodyimage #recovery #rehab #codependency #ed #survivalmode #maslowshierarchyofneeds #copingmechanisms #transfer #hoarching #ana
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