This was recorded a couple of years ago... a great observation of body objectification, the vulnerable side of narcissism which is so prevalent in eating disorders, and the underlying belief that your worth is based on how your body is viewed by the culture you are seeking inclusion.
For now, this client is enjoying her break from the pressure of dieting and anxiety about food. However, she truly believes she should be thinner, and that she'll eventually tackle it later. But for now, she is recuperating from the diet-image insanity...knowing that she will go back into when she's ready. What this means, is that she will continue to experience eating issues and urges to over eat, although they will be far less than they'd be if she was actively dieting. In terms of escaping the "Body-Diet Supremacy Syndrome," (defined in Thin Supremacy--Book 3) she is still devout to her grandiosely narcissistic captor. RECORDED DECEMBER 2017 #bodyimagesupremacy #bodyimage #thinsupremacy #supremacysyndrome #bodydietsupremacysyndrome #weightlossapocalypse #escape #recovery #vulnerablenarcissism #eatingdisorders #ed #ana #bulimia #bed #bingeeatingdisorder
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