This client suffered with excessive focus on her weight, food, diet, and emotional eating. We discuss accepting who she truthfully is, without trying to become something different. She is addressing underlying depression and the goal to lose weight thinking that would help her feel better. By giving up weight loss and dieting, she isn't chasing a mirage of betterment any more and her underlying sadness and low self esteem is arising. This has left her feeling depressed and worthless. When giving up goals used to distract from our emotional issues, a person then has to face and address those problems. This is difficult for many people because they don't inherently feel good about themselves, and the recovery process allows those feelings to arise. This is when real work begins, and that requires people give up their dreams, goals, and the mirage of betterment they are chasing. RECORDED JANUARY 2018 #thinsupreamacy #weightlossapocalypse #eatingdisorders #emotionaleating #bingeeating #bed #ed #ednos #ana #bodyimage #survivalmode #selflove #dietbingedietcycle #depression #help #coach #bodydietsupremacysysndrome
This client suffered with excessive focus on her weight, food, diet, and emotional eating. We discuss accepting who she truthfully is, without trying to become something different. She is addressing underlying depression and the goal to lose weight thinking that would help her feel better. By giving up weight loss and dieting, she isn't chasing a mirage of betterment any more and her underlying sadness and low self esteem is arising. This has left her feeling depressed and worthless. When giving up goals used to distract from our emotional issues, a person then has to face and address those problems. This is difficult for many people because they don't inherently feel good about themselves, and the recovery process allows those feelings to arise. This is when real work begins, and that requires people give up their dreams, goals, and the mirage of betterment they are chasing. RECORDED JANUARY 2018 #thinsupreamacy #weightlossapocalypse #eatingdisorders #emotionaleating #bingeeating #bed #ed #ednos #ana #bodyimage #survivalmode #selflove #dietbingedietcycle #depression #help #coach #bodydietsupremacysysndrome
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