She is recovering from a dysfunctional and toxic relationship that's been going on and off for over a decade. She finally blocked him on his phone... As she's experienced freedom from the all-or-nothing pendulum swing between dieting and emotional eating (binge-diet-binge cycle), her mind is wondering if she can keep the freedom even if she's still has the desire to be thinner and to lose bodyfat. This is a common point in the recovery process, that people go back into overeating and also the pressure to restrict food. RECORDED FEBRUARY 2018
This is described in the book Diet Supremacy....
#thinsupremacy #dietsupremacy #bodysupremacy #eatingdisorderrecovery #bodyimage #ed #ana #bed #ednos #bulimia #weightlossapocalpse #dietbingecycle #selfacceptance #recovery
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