This client is struggling with reoccurring shame about her body fat that returns after reoccurring relief and bliss feeling content about her weight. Each time the shame about her weight returns, her agitation with food skyrockets, and her compulsion to diet arises. In those moments, she forgets how much she hates and loathes dieting. In this session, this client is in that compulsive urge to diet and Robin tries to help her see the cycle. She is like a battered wife, wanting to go back to her abusive spouse. ROBIN DESCRIBES THIS CYCLE IN HER BOOK: Diet Supremacy: The Toxic Bond Between Shame, Dieting, and Emotional Eating. RECORDED APRIL 2018
#bingeeating #dietbingecycle #weightloss #bodyimage #keto #allornothing #eatingdisorder #eatingdisorderrecovery #edrecovery #thinsupremacy #weightlossapocaypse #dietsupremacy #bodydietsupremacysyndrome #recovery #rehab #obsessivecompulsive #victim #dramatriangle #coach #coaching #edcoach
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