This is a 90-minute consult. She found Robin on YouTube and had been watching sessions for 6 months before deciding to reach out. In this consult, Robin describes what she wrote in the entire Thin Supremacy Series. She explains Maslow's hierarchy of needs, survival mechanisms, and toxic bond between thin supremacy, diet supremacy, and the syndrome of eating disorders. RECORDED JUNE 2018
READ THE BOOKS: #eatingdisorderrecovery #bodyimage #bulimia #emotionaleating #ednos #disorderedeating #eatingdisorder #recovery #edrecovery #thinsupremacy #bodysupremacy #bodydietsupremacysyndrome #traumabonding #cptsd #exercisebulimia #dietsupremacy #surrenderingyoursurvival #maslowshierarchyofneeds #dramatriangle #enabler #addiction #surrender
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