TRIGGER WARNING: Robin holds up a strong and brutal abrupt and harsh reality of telling the truth. This is very difficult for people who suffer with eating disorders to do, and often people want to be enabled--which perpetuates the disorder. When people come to Robin for help, she takes the role of holding a strict NO-LIE and bullshit boundary. This is imperative to escaping the body image and disorder to access recovery. Without strict responsibility to the TRUTH, nothing changes. In order to make change, it is imperative the person suffering is willing to tell themselves the truth, and having a person hold them to it, gives them a sense of freedom and safety to do it for themselves. Often, coaches and therapists are too lenient with lying or aren't aware forms of denial are actually occurring. The result of having a strong rejection of denial by Robin, the client is put in a position to actually make change and ultimately recovery.
For this client, after experiencing freedom, she is now noticing that freedom is diminishing because she's scared she's gaining weight. This is a great conversation connecting the freedom with acceptance, and the connection to suffering and denial. This is a case where the truth does actually set you free. RECORDED MARCH 2018 #eatingdisorder #ed #recovery #eatingdisorderrecovery #bodyimage #thinsupremacy #dietsupremacy #bodysupremacy #bodydietsupremacysyndrome #bdss #ednos #emotionaleating #escape
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