This client is struggling to forgive herself for bingeing and purging again. After having a period of time in freedom, she is feeling shame because she went back into suffering. The goal is to accept the truth of the process, and to recognize it isn't ALL or NOTHING. The struggle to surrender thin supremacy body image can take time and repeated ins and outs of dieting, suffering, bingeing, suffering, purging, suffering, and dieting again. GIVE YOURSELF GRACE!!!! Do the best you can and refuse to feel sorry for yourself.
RECORDED MARCH 2018 #thinsupremacy #ednos #eatingdisorder #eatingdisorderrecovery #weightlossapocalypse #bulimia #anorexia #bulimarexia #orthorexia #bingepurge #bingeeating #bed #ed #addiction #shamecycle #forgiveness #grace #recovery #bodydietsupremacysyndrome
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