In this session, Robin helps her see that her final fears of fat gain must be faced and accepted if she wants to reach full and complete recovery. It is imperative that a person suffering with anorexia, bulimia, ednos, etc. must face their worst fears, if they want freedom from their eating disorder behaviors. By stopping those behaviors, the terror of permanent fat gain can be faced and accepted, opening the door to the infinite space of freedom and life. This is discussed in Robin's book, Surrendering Your Survival: A Conscious Path to Eating Disorder Recovery. RECORDED SEPTEMBER 2021
READ THE BOOK: #anorexia #anarecovery #edrecovery #eatingdisorder #eatingdisorderrecovery #bodyimage #ageism #thinsupremacy #dietsupremacy #bodysupremacy #surrenderingyoursurvival #vunerablenarcissism #comlexptsd #traumabonding #bodydietsupremacysyndrome #bulimia #ednos
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