She suffered from bulimia for over 40 years. After working with Robin and experiencing recovery a year early, she noticed her suffering began to return. When a person still has unresolved beliefs about thinness, dieting, or eating as emotionally safe for one's survival, it's inevitable that suffering will resurface. When being seen as inadequate isn't faced or when the ultimate fear of being rejected isn't willfully accepted, it would make sense for past reactions to hide, deflect, or fight would reappear. In this client's case, she attached to losing weight over that past year of no bingeing and purging. As she attached survival to that condition, her need to restrict food increase, and likewise, so did her triggers to emotionally eat, binge, and purge. This content is written in Robin's book Diet Supremacy: The Toxic Bond Between Shame, Dieting, and Emotional Eating, as well as her book Body Supremacy: Exploring the Torments of Eating Disorders as a Syndrome. RECORDED MAY 2018
READ THE BOOKS: #bulimia #anorexia #bingeeating #bingeandpurge #ocd #anxiety #orthorexia #bodyimage #survivalmode #fightorflight #eatingdisorderrecovery #edrecovery #emotionaleating #mentalillness #selfacceptance #dietsupremacy #bodysupremacy #bodydietsupremacysyndrome #surrenderingyoursurvival #edcoach
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