She suffered with anorexia, bulimia, orthorexia, and OCD...She decided to separate from her husband, so that she can work on strengthening her sense of self. She can sense, that if she continues to make decisions in order to please her husband, that she will continue to suffer from mental illness and misery. She was raised with parents who promoted codependent way's of being. Her marriage has followed the same way of relating. In this session, she opens up about her decision to separate from her husband in order to stop the drama triangle (see Dr. Karpman's work). This content is described in Robin's book, Body Supremacy: Exploring the Torments of Eating Disorders as a Syndrome. RECORDED MAY 2018
READ THE BOOKS: #codependency #dramatriangle #karpman #toxicmarriage #cptsd #complexptsd #eatingdisorders #eatingdisorderrecovery #edcoach #victim #traumabonding #recovery #edrecovery #freedom #selfesteem #selfworth #bodyimage #survivalmode #consciousness
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